Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von huany
14. August 2010 03:30
Forum: Octavia II - CarHifi | Navigation | Telefonie
Thema: Does it fit ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 804

Re: Does it fit ?

Oberberger hat geschrieben:I'd say, at that price give it a go and, if really crappy, sell it on ebay....but it might turn out ok just as well, depends on your expectations....
Ok , thank you for your advice .I will think about you advice seriously .
Thanks again !
von huany
13. August 2010 13:02
Forum: Octavia II - CarHifi | Navigation | Telefonie
Thema: Does it fit ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 804

Re: Does it fit ?

To buy it in another place doesn´t make a better quality of this product. You have to think about buying a real quality product instead of these chinese-shit, but it will be even more expensive. Maybe you are right . But how can I know if it is a real quality product ? From its expensive price ?Mo...
von huany
13. August 2010 11:49
Forum: Octavia II - CarHifi | Navigation | Telefonie
Thema: Does it fit ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 804

Re: Does it fit ?

Looks like it fits to the Octavia II, but the price is way to low. Don´t know, but these "Chinese Systems" seems to make more problems than other, unfortunatly expensive, Systems. Yes , you are right ,the price is so cheap that make me a little worry about the quality of it . And do you ...
von huany
13. August 2010 11:06
Forum: Octavia II - CarHifi | Navigation | Telefonie
Thema: Does it fit ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 804

Does it fit ?

I accidentally browse to this http://www.cargpsvideo.com/skoda-navigation_c90 , The product is selling at an unbelievable low price . But I don't know if it fit skoda octavia II , it just write octavia . Who know about this ? Give me a hand please !

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