Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von vio
25. Juni 2007 11:17
Forum: Octavia II - Tuning
Thema: RS 2 CHIP
Antworten: 157
Zugriffe: 23232

Anyone? Fuel-cut?
von vio
22. Juni 2007 12:00
Forum: Octavia II - Tuning
Thema: RS 2 CHIP
Antworten: 157
Zugriffe: 23232

Greetings. I live in Athens, Greece and i have a Seat Leon 2.0 TFSi (BWA engine). The model is Jan-2006 and i have Giac chip and a EvoMS V-Flow intake installed... I am experiencing those Fuel? Throotle? Cuts at rpms just above 6000rpm.. I see that Racingscull had the old 06D 130 757 B valve. Is it ...

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