Car-Hifi, Navi, Telefonie & Multimedia im Octavia II
Dr. PuuhBaer
Beiträge: 2007
Registriert: 23. Februar 2006 18:13
Bauart: Combi
Kilometerstand: 0
Spritmonitor-ID: 0

Beitrag von Dr. PuuhBaer »

There is not yet a solution, i'm afraid...permanently activating the amp isn't suggestive because the battery will be down in a second when parking the car.
The only way to power up the amp is using the CAN-Bus, TorstenW meantioned.
So, eihter u demount the amp and build in 4 bandpasses for the speakers or you have to wait since there is a self-made solution for less than 200 EUROs.
07.04.2006 bis 11.04.2015: O² Combi 1,9 TDI DPF Ambiente Plus, Graphit-grau, Stoff onyx schwarz, Popowärmer, Dachreling, 4 el. FH, GRA, Climatronic, MuFuLeLe, Audience :-)
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 2. April 2006 21:08

Beitrag von mike_23 »

anyway thank you to you all for the fast answer´s!!!!

oh and good luck in the WorldCup, maybe we will meet in the final! lolol just kidding its not going to be easy to play against England whitout our best players :( Cristiano Ronaldo and Deco :( and a few more...

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